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Education courses
11,037 results
Education on climate change: water and soil
Coursera Online anytime- Free trial
Climate change education: sustainable environments
Coursera Online anytime- Free trial
Cultivating a Caring and Benevolent Environment in Education
edX Online anytime- $69
Climate change education
Coursera Online anytime- Free trial
Higher education learning in the age of AI
edX Online anytime- $149
Introduction to the Finnish Education System
Future Learn Online anytime- Free
Intercultural Competency in Education
edX Online anytime- $69
Attaining Higher Education
edX Online anytime- $50
Supporting Veteran Success in Higher Education
edX Online anytime- $49.99
Introduction to Online Education & Course Planning
edX Online anytime- $119
How to Use ChatGPT in Education
edX Online anytime- $20
Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education
edX Online anytime- $50
Introduction to Family Engagement in Education
edX Online anytime- $105
Equity and Inclusion in Education
edX Online anytime- $59
Attaining Higher Education
Coursera Online anytime- Free trial
Please note that whilst we work hard to negotiate exclusive offers for Rest Less members, sometimes course providers change prices and promotions regularly and at short notice, so we cannot always guarantee that a course provider isn’t offering a lower price elsewhere at any given point of time. As with any purchase, when you have found a course and provider you are interested in, it can help to shop around to ensure you always get the very best deal.