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Teaching & Academics courses
8,926 results
EYFS Teaching Diploma
69% discount for Rest Less membersNew Skills Academy Online anytime- £31 £100
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certificate
69% discount for Rest Less membersNew Skills Academy Online anytime- £6.20 £20
Teaching Adults to Read Certificate
69% discount for Rest Less membersNew Skills Academy Online anytime- £6.20 £20
Introduction to Teaching Phonics Certificate
69% discount for Rest Less membersNew Skills Academy Online anytime- £6.20 £20
Teaching English Online
Future Learn Online anytime- Free
Our Solar System and Beyond: Teaching Primary Science
Future Learn Online anytime- Free
Teaching and Training (Lightning Skills Bundle) Certificate
69% discount for Rest Less membersNew Skills Academy Online anytime- £15.50 £50
The Complete Teaching Assistant Diploma
69% discount for Rest Less membersNew Skills Academy Online anytime- £74.40 £240
Teaching Phonics Level 2 Certificate
69% discount for Rest Less membersNew Skills Academy Online anytime- £31 £100
Teaching Diploma
69% discount for Rest Less membersNew Skills Academy Online anytime- £74.40 £240
Teaching Complex Thinking through Art with the National Gallery of Art
edX Online anytime- $119
Teaching Critical Thinking & Self-Regulated Learning Skills
edX Online anytime- $119
Teaching Teamwork & Communication Skills
edX Online anytime- $119
Teaching the First World War
OpenLearn Online anytime- Free
Higher education teaching in the age of AI
edX Online anytime- $149
Please note that whilst we work hard to negotiate exclusive offers for Rest Less members, sometimes course providers change prices and promotions regularly and at short notice, so we cannot always guarantee that a course provider isn’t offering a lower price elsewhere at any given point of time. As with any purchase, when you have found a course and provider you are interested in, it can help to shop around to ensure you always get the very best deal.