Mindfulness Masterclass

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International Open Academy

Course Description

The average human spends about 47% of waking hours thinking about things, and primarily things that could go wrong according to a study published by Harvard University. Spending nearly half of our lives worrying about what can go wrong may be extremely common, but it has negative affects to our well being, happiness, and ability to enjoy the moment. Mindfulness is the concept of living in the present, without those distracting thoughts, and without worrying about the future, except in cases where it is actually helpful to do so. Mindfulness is also ancient, it's been practiced for thousands of years in Buddhism and was brought to the west by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the 1970s. Today, mindfulness is a practice used by psychologists, doctors, and therapists, to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. This course will teach you to master mindfulness so you can begin integrating mindful practices into your daily life, to reduce stress, to increase happiness, and to ensure that you're living every day to its fullest. Living in the moment has proven health benefits, and not only helps you to live a better life, but also helps you to live a more productive one. Mindfulness aids concentration, can improve sleep, and increase memory retention, not just because you're paying attention when you're mindful, but also because of reduced stress. Mindfulness is not only an ancient practice; it's also medically accepted as having results. An ICM survey of 250 general practitioners in the UK showed the following: 72% of GP's think patients would benefit from mindfulness 66% of GP's would support a public information campaign on mindfulness 64% of GP's expressed interest in learning mindfulness skills themselves Reserve your place in Mindfulness Masterclass today to get started on your way to taking control of your thoughts and your emotions and moving your mind to a healthier place for mind and body. All of our courses are fully accredited by the International Council for Online Education Standards and are backed by a 14-day money back guarantee.

Expected Outcomes

This course will take you from the start, and lead you through the knowledge and techniques you will need to apply mindfulness to your daily life. You will learn how to use mindfulness, including meditation, thought analysis, stress reduction, and learn how to increase happiness. You'll also learn simple exercises to reduce stress, recognize anxiety, and learn to stop harmful thoughts in their tracks. Mindful Living - Learn about the processes, techniques, and steps that go into mindful living, and learn how to apply them to your own life. Meditation - Learn to meditate and release stress. Breathwork - Learn how breathing affects your entire body, and how to influence it for mindfulness. Happiness - Happiness is a science, and you will learn how to apply it to your own life with mindfulness techniques, so that you can reduce stress, and be happy doing everyday things. Removing Harmful Patterns - Learn to recognize and remove harmful thought patterns, influences, and how to ...