
Actionable tips and resources to help guide you through being made redundant.

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What should I do if I am made redundant?

Being made redundant can be an unsettling time, whether you’re in your 50s, 60s or at any point in your life. For most people, it can feel daunting to step out of the comfort of a steady job and move into a period of uncertainty.

However, the most important thing you can do is begin to take considered actions that will help to take you forward. Even taking a few small steps at the start can help to make you feel better, and give you that sense of taking control.

With that in mind, here are a few resources that could help you on your way.

Not sure what your rights are, how the redundancy process works or where to get additional advice? Get started with our comprehensive redundancy guide

Whether you’ve already been made redundant or think you might be in the near future, here are 10 helpful steps you can take to help you get back on your feet.

Start preparing to find your next opportunity

There’s no better way to take control than to start looking for your next opportunity. This is a stage that many people find difficult at first, especially if you’ve been made redundant after not being in the job market for several years. However, it can feel empowering to get a plan of action together and start ticking off those key tasks that will enable you to start applying for jobs.

Plan your finances

The financial impact of redundancy is one of the biggest concerns that most people have. Whilst a potential loss of income is never a nice situation to be in, it’s always helpful to look at what you can do to mitigate the circumstances and try to get your finances into the best shape possible.

Hear from other people who have come through redundancy...

It has been said that when one door shuts, another one opens. Whilst its never an easy time, it can be comforting to know that you’re not alone – and that often redundancy can be the catalyst for finding something new and exciting.

If have a question or some thoughts that you’d like to discuss with others, why not head over to our friendly Community Forum?

Ready to start applying for jobs?

Applying for jobs is like using a muscle – the more you do something, the easier it gets. Get yourself out there, learn from your experiences, and take the positives from every application – even those where you aren’t successful.

Here at Rest Less, we work with some of the most progressive companies in the UK – who have a commitment to age-diversity and see the value that multi-generational workforces can bring.

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